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A 2 Day Incident Responders Course

Wednesday 25th & Thursday 26th June 2014


Hough Green Garage Limited
Pickerings Road
Halebank Industrial Estate
Tel: 0151 424 2148

The course sets out to cover the dangers and legislation of hazardous substances carried by road and the effective recovery of both product and vehicles to the standards of the Energy Institutes code of practice.

NCA Course

The course structure will include;

  • To provide operators with an understanding of dangerous substances
  • To gain a brief understanding of the various tanker and package marking schemes
  • To give operators a basic vocabulary knowledge so that they can be in a position to ask the right questions and carry out relevant risk assessments
  • To understand the roles of both statutory and non-statutory organisations (i.e. Utility Companies, Environmental Agencies, HSE, Manufacturers) that may become involved in a chemical incident
  • To look at the requirements for risk assessments and the role of safety officers at an incident
  • To encourage pro-active incident management so that incidents are brought to a conclusion safely and quickly so that the return of normality is in the shortest possible time

Course Agenda – Day 1

09.30 Start

Introduction to the day

Safety requirements and good housekeeping

How road tanker accidents happen and your role with the Emergency Services and Government Agencies

11.00 Coffee Break

The classes of hazardous goods and their respective UN/ ADR labeling within ADR and the Carriage of Dangerous goods by Road

Risk Assessment and Method Statements taking into account any dangers to life, property and the environment

The product load transfer

13.00 Lunch

Practical tanker incident/ rollover scenario and recovery (Part 1)

End of Day 1

Course Agenda – Day 2

09.00 Start

Review of Day 1

Understanding the chain of command

A practical look at ADR road recovery methods, including types of tanks and substances carried

10.30 Coffee Break

Practical tanker incident/ rollover scenario and recovery (Part 2)

13.00 Lunch

An overview of the practical tanker incident/ rollover scenario

Post recovery and the dangers and duties that still remain

End of Day 2 and course

Please note the individual elements and timings may be subject to change

Course Costs

£695.00 per person for the 2day course

Course Attendees

All course attendees will be required to be at the course location at 09.00 for a 09.30 start


There is a requirement for all course attendees to supply their own personal protective equipment and to include,
Safety helmet, Safety footwear, Safety eye wear, Boiler suit, and High visibility (long sleeve) tabard or jacket


Teas, Coffees and a Lunch buffet will be provided as part of the cost of the course


Hotel information will be provided shortly and updates will be emailed


NCA Booking Form

Course Contacts

Richard Baker    07798 821048

Nationwide Chemical Assistance
Unit 14 Mapledean Works
Maldon Road
Essex CM3 6LG

Tel: 01621 730 009
Fax: 0871 528 8961

Email: [email protected]